
Mobile applications with your corporate identity

Get online orders and payments with your iOS and Android applications!

Empower your service company with mobile applications tailored for iOS and Android platforms, branded with your corporate identity and logo. With our solutions, your customers can seamlessly place orders online and complete payments directly through the app interface.



The client booking mobile app will be available on the Apple Store. You can create your application with just a few clicks using the wizard and configure it yourself from your panel.


Your client's mobile app is also available on Google Play Store. With cross-platform technology, any configurations you make on the panel will update apps on both platforms.

Benefits of mobile app notifications

Keep your customers updated and engaged

Real-Time Communication: Notifications allow businesses to instantly communicate with users, keeping them informed about important updates, promotions, or events in real-time.

Drive Action: Notifications can encourage users to take specific actions, such as making a purchase, completing a task, or participating in a promotion, driving conversions and revenue.


Customer Retention: By keeping users engaged and informed, notifications help improve customer retention rates, reducing churn and increasing lifetime value.

Feedback and Interaction: Notifications can also serve as a channel for gathering feedback from users or encouraging interaction through surveys, polls, or social sharing.

Staff Mobile Applications

Daily Task Management

When employees begin their workday, all they need to do is open the application. The most current task list will appear before them.

  • Task calendar
  • Working days configuration
  • Personnel payments
  • Multiple languages

  • Efficient Team Work

    All employees track their tasks through the same application. Drivers, service providers, and team leaders coordinate their tasks seamlessly through the application.

  • Start/Complete task buttons
  • Task timing
  • Team work relations

  • Driver Routings

    When drivers start their workday, they view on the application the addresses they will drive to in order, along with the route they will follow, optimized for the shortest distance.

  • Navigation
  • Route sorting
  • Start/End Drive buttons
  • Driver details

  • Staff App Notifications

    Similar to the customer application, the staff application also can send notifications. Once the target audience is selected, you can send application notifications.

  • Send all workers
  • Send only a team or a worker
  • Send only drivers
  • Send only a worker


    You can download the Staff Application from the Apple Store and try it out. Through the demo panel, you can select staff from the HR management screens and log in by obtaining a username and password.


    You can download the Staff Application from the Google Play Store and try it out. Through the demo panel, you can select staff from the HR management screens and log in by obtaining a username and password.

    More advantages of having mobile application


    Brand Visibility and Accessibility

    A mobile app boosts brand visibility, fosters loyalty, and makes your business accessible to customers anytime, anywhere, driving engagement and sales opportunities.

    Direct Marketing Channel

    A mobile app enables direct communication with your customers, allowing you to send targeted promotions, offers, and updates, leading to improved customer engagement and retention.

    Competitive Advantage

    In today's digital age, having a mobile app sets your company apart from competitors who may rely solely on traditional channels, positioning you as forward-thinking and innovative.

    Customer Loyalty and Retention

    A well-designed mobile app can enhance customer loyalty by offering rewards, discounts, and personalized experiences, encouraging repeat business and long-term relationships.

    Revenue Generation

    Mobile apps offer opportunities for additional revenue streams through in-app purchases, subscriptions, advertising, and more, contributing to your company's bottom line.

    Enhanced Customer Experience

    A mobile app provides a convenient and user-friendly way for your customers to interact with your company's products or services, leading to higher satisfaction levels.

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